Leatt Body Protector 5.5, black

Leatt Body Protector 5.5, black

Cena1: 499.00€

Body Protector 5.5 is a new concept, it comes in 2 pieces, the first is a zippered compression suit with built-in shoulder and elbow protectors and also a height-adjustable waist belt, the second is a full hard shell with CE certification. chest and back protector.

This modular system will not only provide you with the protection you need, but also great ventilation and comfort.

This new concept is very easy to put on and take off, a relief after a day's riding and super easy to clean, works with or without the Leatt neck brace.

Hard shell and 3DF AirFit ventilated soft impact foam

- plastic-free recyclable packaging

Size tab.
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Product ID: 21919

About the brand Leatt

Spoločnosť Leatt Corporation navrhuje, vyvíja, predáva a distribuuje inovatívne osobné ochranné a výkonné vybavenie pre cyklistov.