Park Tool bearing replacement kit SBK-1

Park Tool bearing replacement kit SBK-1
Park Tool sada na výmenu ložísk SBK-1- Park Tool sada na výmenu ložísk SBK-1- Park Tool sada na výmenu ložísk SBK-1-

Professional set for replacement (pressing of old and pressing of new) rolling bearings in fully sprung bicycle frames. Both operations are very gentle, without the use of shocks. Compatible with most currently used dimensions (for 14 outer bearing diameters in the range 16 - 35 mm and 7 inner bearing diameters in the range 8.5 - 20 mm). Access to the bearing from both sides is a prerequisite. Threaded beam with magnetic support. Set stored in a upholstered plastic case. Made in the USA

Product ID: 16010

About the brand Park Tool

The sixty employees of Park Tool take great pride in building the best bicycle tools in the world. Since that first stand, we've built hundreds of thousands more, reaching bike shops worldwide. Since the first hand tool, we've built millions more and our line now includes over 400 different items and a recent history of fifteen to twenty new product introduced each year.